Winterton-on-Sea In Bloom

News 2021

JANUARY, 2021. THE In Bloom team would like to wish everyone a Happy, Healthy & Safe New Year.

We would also like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has donated to our fundraising.

Two of the raised planters have been made and the third is in the process of being made. We were hoping to start staining the first two, but the weather and coronavirus restrictions have set us back at the moment.

I think realistically we will be looking at around springtime before we have everything in place and the team are out in force again. We have so many new ideas and plans for planting and we are all so eager to start.

For now we have to follow lockdown rules and get by with armchair gardening and making plans for our own gardens and what we would like to grow this coming year.

Two of the team did have to venture out this week to carry out some urgent tree surgery work. Sadly we had to remove what was left of our dwarf weeping cherry tree, which was a gift to In Bloom. This was done because of disease and if left, could spread to other trees and shrubs. It’s part of life’s cycle, but still sad.

I love to grow as many vegetables as possible as well as fruit and

salad crops. It is such a satisfying feeling growing your own produce, as well as flowers for your garden. In these difficult & uncertain times gardening can be so therapeutic and rewarding.

If you have any gardening tips or would like to share any news about what your plans are for your garden please get in touch and share with our gardening community.

Finally, to help keep sprits high, we invited Camilla Robinson to write another poem.

Enjoy and keep safe.

Claire Thompson

Chair of Winterton in Bloom

FEBRUARY, 2021. THE In Bloom team would like to thank everyone who supported us for the raised planters and sensory borders. We exceeded our target and raised an amazing £2,120.

We are waiting for a new path to be put down to make it safe for wheelchair access onto the village hall green. Councillor James Bensley has offered his help with this project.

Our Treasurer Andrew is busy making bespoke bird boxes, for each of the garden areas we look after around the village. Hopefully we will have little residents in all of them by spring.

In the garden at the top of the lane we shall be planting a red perfumed rose. This is to say a massive thank you to the original team of In Bloom. These ladies worked tirelessly to start In Bloom and create the various gardens around the village.

Pam Allen tells me they used to go out and sweep the streets and make sure everything was perfect before Judging day.

We shall enjoy going to the nursery and choosing something very special.

We have so many plans and ideas for the various gardens. As soon as we are able the team will be out.

In the meantime more armchair gardening, looking through seed catalogues and websites for plants.

I would recommend the Norfolk Herbs website, an amazing collection of herbs, scented pelargoniums and salvias, including hot lips in quite a few different colours. They operate a postal service as they are closed to the public because of Covid.

I know it’s grey, cold and wet, but soon we will all be able to start gardening. Spring and warmer days aren’t so far away.

Stay Safe.

Claire Thompson

Chair of Winterton in Bloom

March, 2021. IT'S lovely to walk around the village and see the beautiful colour of spring flowers. It really does lift your spirits.

I often wonder how these fragile delicate flowers survive the harsh cold weather at this time of year. Another of Mother Nature’s miracles.

Our treasurer, Andrew, has finished the bird boxes and now they are in place around the village just waiting for our feathered friends to take up residence.

In Bloom presented a gift voucher and plant to Keith & Lyn, who have now retired from the team. We would all like to say a big thank you for helping to make the village green look so beautiful for so many years.

If you have any time to spare and would like to join our team please get in touch.

Wishing you all happy gardening.

Stay Safe

Claire Thompson

Chair of Winterton in Bloom

Next week, weather permitting, we shall be staining the new raised planters for the sensory gardens. It’s unbelievable to think that it was just over six months since we started fundraising for them.

April, 2021. THE In Bloom team are buzzing with excitement after being given a £1,850 grant from Great Yarmouth Tourist

Board. It means we can start making all the improvements we were funded for including improving the entrance to the

playing field.

It's so good to be out again gardening and looking after the village we all love.

We have made a good start on the village green, cutting back the grasses in the plough garden and digging out all the pesky weeds.

The plough garden will be getting a refresh. We need to put down new shingle to suppress the weeds and adding a few different grasses. Sowing poppy, cornflower and daisy seeds amongst them. The plough will also be repainted.

Whilst working, we watched entranced at the blue tit parents in and out of the bird boxes, feeding their young. We’re so thrilled we have residents.

You might have noticed we have stained the two planters by the village green sign, this is just a temporary fix. We will be having new planters made. The team would like to thank Brian and Christine for allowing us the facility of water for the plants on the green and Judith for supplying us with teas and coffees while we worked.

A massive thanks to Dawn and Arnie Potts for generously donating 10 large bug hotels for the village. These will bring so much pleasure and become a real talking point.

We have been given permission to plant a crab apple tree on the village hall green. This is a tribute to Sir Tom Moore in recognition for everything he achieved for our country. What a remarkable man. Don’t forget his words, “Tomorrow will be better.” The team are planting this tree for everyone in our village. Have you ever wondered why it’s called a crab apple. Crab is an old Scandinavian word for small apple.

It’s so good to see the blossom on the fruit trees in my garden the apricot tree is smothered in delicate white blossom. Last year we did quite well with fruit hopefully this year will be the same. Anybody can grow a fruit tree in their garden. Trees come in all sizes to suit all spaces. The patio type are really good for a small area.

Enjoy your gardening and don’t forget if any of you have a few hours to spare, you’re welcome to join us and become one of the team.

Claire Thompson

Chair of Winterton in Bloom

June, 2021. WHAT a very strange month May was, weather wise. Despite all the adverse conditions, In Bloom managed to complete all of the planting around the village.

We wanted everyone to enjoy the colour and positivity of the gardens, after what has been a very difficult and frightening year.

You may have noticed the raised planters are now installed and looking rather wonderful.

Borough and county councilor James Bensly said it was a wonderful achievement and he knew those working on the displays had already benefited. “This has helped no end of people with their mental health

and physical wellbeing and the positive emotions this brings out cannot be underestimated.

“The In Bloomers, volunteers and parish council are the perfect example of local communities helping each other helping themselves.”

The planters, beds and borders are all fully planted around the village. In a few weeks time there should be a riot of colour to lift and enhance everyone’s mood.

It was a sunny morning, thank goodness, and to share this event with the In Bloom team, Chris from the Fishermans, several of the Holiday Home Owners, Supporters of In Bloom and members of the Parish Council made it extra special. Wheelchair user Terry Buckland was guest of honour.

This would not have been possible without the massive support of some very special people, who have donated individual planters for our village. They were: The Fishermans Return, The Holiday Home Owners Group and the Supporters of In Bloom.

Thanks also to Daryl of D.S. Carpentry for making the elegant planters.

This has been such a positive achievement for our village and is bringing so much pleasure to so many. In Bloom would like to thank each and everyone of you. It shows what can be achieved. Thank you for believing in our team.

The official launch ceremony to celebrate the installation of the disability planters took place on 24th May on the village hall green.

Bug hotels are now in place and look amazing. Hopefully they will soon be full of various insects. And a crab apple tree has been planted on the village hall green between the raised planters to commemorate national hero Capt Tom Moore.

Put your gardening tools down. Now is the time to sit back and enjoy your gardens .

Claire Thompson

Chair of Winterton in Bloom