Winterton-on-Sea In Bloom

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February / March, 2023.  THE In Bloom team is hoping to commence gardening again at the beginning of March - of course this is weather dependant.

It has been a long winter, so we are pleased we are nearly into spring. Our gardens are starting to burst back into life with the promise of colour and interest once more.

Last year we created the wildlife hedge on the village hall green. Our aim is to plant drought tolerant and self seeding species. Looking at the hedge today it looks as if we have been successful. There appear to be an abundance of new little plants growing.

With plant prices rising, along with everything else, why not try growing plants and vegetables from seed. You could mix a selection of vegetables amongst your flowers. I grow peppers, aubergine, tomatoes and courgettes this way. If you don’t have a lot of space try sowing lettuce and Rocket every few weeks in a small trough. It is a fantastic way to make sure you always have fresh produce.

Don’t throw your egg Shells away, leave them in the sun to dry and then grind them up and sprinkle around your plants. This makes an excellent plant food rich In calcium.

We look forward to seeing you soon. It is always interesting to meet so many lovely people when we are gardening.

Claire Thompson

Chair of Winterton in Bloom and all the In Bloom Team